
73 Audio Reviews

41 w/ Responses

5/5 for fellow hardstyle respect!

I love everything you did with this track, it had all the right build-ups, calm sections and random distorted kicks! :)

Check out my remix of "Acid Overdose" by Blutonium Boy if you want. I haven't uploaded the rest of my hardstyle on here yet, might make alter-ego account once they make a hardstyle section on here! (If they ever do).

- BeefourMusic -

DJT3chnic responds:

Hey thanks man, checked out your music as well. Keep up the great work! =)


I am sure this would be getting a much better response if it was recorded with something better that didn't give off the static sound :(

If you have any mastering programs you could make this sound awesome, even remix it a little and throw in some fun notes of your own :)

- BeefourMusic -

This one is good...

This tune has potential and I think you should build upon this to take it to the full song length! Very trance-like effect to it and would be good to hear this as a longer version.

- BeefourMusic -

Bassmeisters responds:

Thanks ;) it means a lot when it comes from you! :)

Almost there...

To be a banging club tune I would recommend adding some more crashes/explosions at the end of some sections. Also, maybe some snare fills here and there to give the build-up feel to your audience!

You are on the right track though, good luck!

- BeefourMusic -

Boogerblaster1690 responds:

I really appretiate the feedback and agree 100%. the beginning of it there was alot of conviction and you can tell with the drop in base, and beat change that i wanted to swap between 2 different styles during the song. HOWEVER! i eventually was working more on different projects and work so i rushed the ending. its poop if u ask me but i do appretiate the feedback!

Real McCoy, La Bouche & Corona

Remind me of the days of Real McCoy, La Bouche & Corona! You manage to have so many melodies mixed in whilst still keeping the song flowing and entertaining!! Good work.

- BeefourMusic -

AdamWhelanMusic responds:

I love Real McCoy ... lol

Thanks!! I'm so excited that you enjoyed it! It was written for my best friend!

Take care, tah tah! :P

Again? Donkey Rollers don't deserve this.

Again....why upload songs that you did not make?

Search "Donkey Rollers - No one can stop us"

Make and submit your own songs...this is what this site is all about.

- BeefourMusic -

Bassmeisters responds:

Your mum doesn't deserve this!

It's a remix!! My remix, stop posting reviews and stop hating on other peoples music... this is a website where I can upload my own creations and my own remixes of other songs if I want to! Try to Search "Donkey Rollers - No One Can Stop Us" on Youtube and then listen to my song again before you judge me... this is my remix for gods sake of their song... ! You stupid prick!


I really liked the bit around 1:30. Some unique sounds used in this track. This is pretty good for a first submission!

troublex responds:

Thank you for the compliment!
I had tried getting that kind of loud and fuzzy noise that I really like in your song "Acid Overdose" into the song somewhere and thought it would be a good transition. I will try to make some more songs when I get the time too. :)

Right track!

You need to add a higher octave melody in the song at some point as well as some hihats to the drumloop. The vocals worked nicely with the tune.

Definitely on the right track, just need to add more percussion and a varied higher octave tune and you would get above an 8!

- BeefourMusic -

You did nothing?

Playing a sample and adding a drum and hihat to it for a minute is not a remix. Its event he same drums and build up as the original...

Sorry, but try something original or scratch up the duck toy or something, lol.

Bassmeisters responds:

Apparently you haven't heard the original! Please stop posting reviews if you don't know shit about whats your talking about any way! Thanks!

Hey all, I love making any dance, hardstyle, acid/break tune. I use FL Studio for my tracks and will hopefully have a many more tracks on the way. If you have any questions, you can email me on beefourmusic@live.co m.au Check out my Facebook Page!

BeefourMusic @SUB4RU

Age 39, Male

Gold Coast, Australia

Joined on 5/24/10

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